Send Report 2024-2025
2024-25- MF SEND-Information-Report
At Clarion Corvus Trust we believe all children should have the opportunity to thrive and fulfil their potential.
This SEND Information Report describes the support available for identified children as and when appropriate.
This is subject to change depending on budgetary constraints and policy reviews.
Definition of Terms
Autistic Spectrum Disorder |
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service |
C&L |
Cognition and Learning |
C&I |
Communication and Interaction |
Designated Safeguarding Leader |
Education and Health Care Plan |
HI |
Hearing Impairment |
Individual Education Plan |
Looked After Child |
Moderate Learning Difficulties |
Multi-Sensory Impairment |
PD |
Professional Development |
Personal Education Plan |
Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties |
PP+ |
Pupil Premium Plus |
Social, Emotional and Mental Health |
Special Educational Needs |
Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator |
Special Educational Needs and Disability |
Speech, Language and Communication Needs |
Severe Learning Difficulties |
SpLD |
Specific Learning Difficulties |
Sensory or Physical Needs |
VI |
Visual Impairment |
VS |
Virtual School for LAC children |
School contact information
If you wish to discuss our SEND provision further, please contact us:
Executive Head Teacher: Mrs Heather Haines
Trust Primary SENDCo: Miss Bryony Best
Based in school on Mondays
SEND Governor: Angela Smith
What is SEND?
- Some of our children may require additional support to make progress at their own level.
- At different times, a child may have a special educational need. The Code of Practice defines SEND as:
- “A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them. A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if they:
- have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age: or
- have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.”
- If a child is identified as having SEND, we will work closely with the pupil and their parents to deliver provision that is ‘additional to or different from’ the normal differentiated curriculum, intended to overcome the barrier to their learning.
Our SEND profile for 2023-24
In the academic year 2023-24 so far, 16% of children are identified as having SEND. This percentage is made up of the following groups:
- 10% - Cognition and Learning Need
- 75% - Communication and Interaction Need
- 10% - Social, Emotional and Mental Health Need
- 5% - Physical and Sensory Need
Many of our children have needs in more than one group, percentages show the primary need.
0% of our school population have an Educational and Health Care Plan.
Manor Field Infant and Nursery School SEND Profile Percentage Compared to 2023 National Data
For national data, visit:
How do we identify the special educational needs of children?
- We look for progress that is significantly slower than peers
- We look for a change in rate of progress
- We talk to the child
- We talk to parents
- We talk to the class teacher and other staff
- We look at assessment data
Not all difficulties in learning mean there is a Special Educational Need.
There can be a many reasons such as:
- School absences
- Attending lots of different schools
- Difficulties with speaking English
- Worries or pressures
Only those with a learning difficulty that requires special educational provision ‘additional to’ or ‘different from’ the usual differentiated curriculum will be identified as having SEND.
Once a child is identified as having SEND we follow an ASSESS-PLAN-DO & REVIEW cycle. This involves regular meetings with the child and parent to monitor and to assess and review progress and outcomes.
What is our Approach to Teaching Learners with SEND?
We aspire to unlock the full potential of every child within our school.
We believe that high quality teaching, tailored for individuals, is the first step to meet children’s needs.
We strive for effective communication between staff, children with SEND, parents/carers and outside agencies.
We aim to create a learning environment which is flexible enough to meet the needs of all children, whilst also promoting independent learners
We value high quality teaching for all learners and actively monitor teaching and learning across the school.
We are committed to developing the knowledge and skills of all staff to manage the challenges of the range of needs in the school, and to ensure that all support is of high quality. See training for further details.
We ensure that all children in our school are equally valued by accessing a broad and balanced curriculum suitable for their needs and abilities.
How do we assess and review children’s progress?
SEND data trends are shared with Governors each term and reported to Trustees.
This SEN Information Report is updated annually.
Children, parents/carers, teaching and support staff are directly involved in the review progress. This review takes the form of a formal meeting held at least once a term, where the IEPs can be reviewed and progress and next steps can be discussed. If a learner has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), the same termly review conversations take place, as well as an annual formal review of the EHCP.
Data from assessments is compared against historic school data, in addition to comparisons with National statistics.
The SENDCO and assistant SENDCO track the attainment and progress of all children in Nursery to Year 2 with special educational needs.
The results are reviewed by the class teacher and used to inform the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ cycle.
The school SENDCo collates the impact data of interventions, to ensure that we are only using interventions that work. Progress data of all learners is termly in pupil progress meetings and is monitored by teachers, senior leaders and governors. Adaptations to interventions and additional support are made in light of this data.
Quality First Teaching
For your child, this would mean:
- That the teacher has the highest possible expectations for your child
- That all teaching is built on what your child already knows, can do and can understand.
- Different ways of teaching are in place to support your child.
- Teachers will use guidance from Provision Expected at SEN Support (PEaSS) to meet children’s needs
- That staff will let you know what your child is learning and use feedback to make comments about successes and concerns.
- Your child’s progress is assessed, monitored and reviewed and any gaps in their understanding/learning will be identified and addressed through teaching and/or individual and group support.
Targeted and Specialist Support
- Small group sessions may be run in the classroom or in sessions outside of whole class learning.
- The aims of the sessions may form part of a child’s IEP (Individual Education Plan).
- Support groups will be assessed and monitored by the SENDCo and school leadership team.
- Parents/Carers are informed when their child is in a group and targets and progress are shared.
- Some children with identified SEND may receive individual support in some aspects of their education
- Individuals have access to resources to support their learning, for example sensory wedge cushions, ear defenders, coloured overlays.
- There will be regular meetings to discuss provision and progress between staff, parents/carers and children.
Specialist Resource Base (SRB) – Social, Emotional and Mental Health (Bumblebee Class)
- Specialist resources bases are local authority managed provision with a defined admissions criteria.
- The base has a reduced class size, additional staffing, tailored environment and access to additional resources and expertise.
- Our SRB is one of five KS1 SEMH bases in Norfolk.
- At capacity, we can work with a maximum of 8 children.
- Children come to us for a minimum stay of two terms with a maximum of four terms.
- They visit their home school return to their home schools, usually on Wednesdays each week.
- For further information on SRBs please see the local authority guidance and our school website.
Assess, plan, do, review cycle
Monitoring progress is an important part of teaching and leadership at Manor Field Infant and Nursery School . We follow the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ model and ensure that parents/carers and children are involved in the process
We know when a pupil needs help if:
- Concerns are raised by parents/carers, external agencies, teachers, previous school or the pupil.
- Screening assessments indicate a gap in knowledge and/or skills.
- Whole school tracking of attainment outcomes indicates lack of expected rate of progress.
- Observation of the pupil indicates that they have additional needs
- Use of INDES framework to support identification of children’s needs
- This involves discussing, planning and agreeing what will be put in place following the assessment. We work with children, parents and carers to identify specific teaching strategies, approaches and resources to help the child (PEaSS). Once support is agreed, it is recorded and shared in the form of a One Page Wonder and IEPS.
This is when the support is implemented. This may include:
- Delivering high-quality differentiated teaching
- Delivering a personalised curriculum
- Providing additional resources.
- Working in a small intervention group
- This is when the support is measured and the impact is assessed. children, parents and carers are included in the review process. At this stage it is decided what further support (if any) is needed. Notes and review comments are made on the IEPs.
- The school also uses a framework to evaluate its inclusive practice and provision. (IPSEF)
One page wonders and Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
As part of the Assess, Plan, Do, Review process, information about the pupil is recorded on a One Page Wonder and IEP targets to help the child progress.
These are written with children, parents/carers and teacher.
They are monitored by the SENDCO and reviewed each term.
Support from specialist services
Our school values the opinion and advice of external agencies. Wherever possible we will accommodate the suggestions made by other professionals. Some of the specialist teams that we may work alongside include:
- Access Through Technology
- CAMHS - Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services
- Carers Matter
- Dyslexia Outreach Support
- Norfolk & Waveney Children’s Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT) Service
- Educational Psychology and Specialist Support (EPSS)
- Nelson’s Journey
- Norfolk Early Help
- Paediatricians
- Physiotherapists
- Supporting Smiles (previously Point 1)
- Occupational Therapists
- School 2 School Support
- School Nursing Team (Just One Norfolk)
- Specialist Resource Bases
- Virtual School Sensory Support
- Young Carers / Carers Matters
Cognition and Learning Needs
Difficulties |
Quality First Teaching |
Targeted Intervention |
Individual Support |
External Support Agencies |
Reading and spelling Learning new information and concepts Working with numbers Working memory Concentration children may have conditions with a specific diagnosis e.g. dyslexia children may present with difficulties that do not have a specific title |
Inclusive curriculum, delivery, planning and work Displays & Working Walls Help mats Labelled Resources Maths resource boxes Numicon Modelling Personalised Learning Overlearning Questioning Seating Plans Printed instructions and checklists Steps to Success Criteria Visual aids & resources Writing frames Reading/ Spelling/ tests Pupil PIXL tracking Dyslexia friendly displays and whiteboard screens |
Intervention groups (Number Sense, keep up phonics) Targeted use of technology Small Guided Groups – Reading, Writing and Maths In-class LSA support Paired work/peer mentoring Precision teaching |
One to one teaching – phonics, reading, maths, writing Bespoke timetables Additional test time ATT for technology support Text to speech software Clicker software Coloured overlays, reading rulers and coloured exercise books Pencil grips Sloping writing desks Differentiated homework Pre and post teaching Scribes Enhanced transition Meetings with new parents |
Norfolk Educational Psychology
Communication and Interaction Needs
Difficulties |
Quality First Teaching |
Targeted Intervention |
Individual Support |
External Support Agencies |
Understanding language (receptive language) Using language (expressive language) Understanding how to communicate socially with other people Conditions include: Specific Language Disorder, ASD/ASC (Autism), Asperger Syndrome, speech sound disorders/delay Stammering Selective mutism |
PATHs Inclusive teaching -delivery -pace -outcome -questioning -grouping Displays – visual and symbols Labelled resources with picture and name Processing Time Routines Seating plans Signing (if needed) Simplified language Use of LSA Class visual timetable Printed instructions and checklists |
In class LSA support Memory work Overlearning Quiet space for group work Reading partners sessions Speech and Language Group |
Additional test time ASD support ATT Clicker Lego therapy Signing Social stories Task boards Now and next boards Visual timetables Meetings with new parents Enhanced transition |
Norfolk Educational Psychology Speech and Language Therapy – Just One Norfolk
Social Emotional and Mental Health Needs
Difficulties |
Quality First Teaching |
Targeted Intervention |
Individual Support |
External Support Agencies |
Forming and maintaining relationships Bereavement Attitudes to attainment Attendance Self-esteem Life outside school |
Celebration assemblies Circle Time Class expectations Class worry boxes Class Dojo points Norfolk Steps Parent Questionnaires Pupil Questionnaires Rewards & Consequences School Behaviour Policy School Council Seating plans Social Stories Use of TA |
Quiet eating space Forest School groups In class LSA support Social Stories Thrive groups Young carers club Lego therapy Drawing and talking Emotion identification support |
Personal behaviour support plans Early Help Assessment and Plans (EHAPs) Lego therapy Norfolk Steps Training Positive behaviour support plan Reward charts Risk assessments Sensory Circuits Social Stories Enhanced transition Meetings with new parents Regulation stations Emotional literacy passports |
Norfolk Educational Psychology
Physical and Sensory Needs
Difficulties |
Quality First Teaching |
Targeted Intervention |
Individual Support |
External Support Agencies |
Visual impairment Hearing impairment Gross motor difficulties Fine motor difficulties Self-organisation for daily living Diagnosed conditions such as cerebral palsy, dyspraxia |
Coloured whiteboard/books Displays – readable font Flexible teaching arrangements Large Print Left handed equipment Left handed seating Seating plans – for sight, hearing and mobility Teacher aware (positioning) Access to water Ramps Non slip flooring Handrails Clear walkways |
Adapted games and resources in PE Brain Breaks Handwriting groups In class LSA support Sensory Circuits Regulation stations |
Enlarged texts Braille Hearing loop technology Access through Technology Health Care Plans Coloured overlays, whiteboards, paper & exercise books Ear defenders Equipment – scissors, slopes, pencils, cushions, blinds, chairs, footstools Magnifiers Medical support Movement Breaks Pencil Grips Physio / OT and Sensory support advice Wobble cushions and pedals Sensory Circuits Soundfield/Radio Microphone Use of disabled toilet Enhanced transition |
Norfolk Educational Psychology |
The following assessments are held within the Clarion Corvus Trust:
- Boxall profile - SEMH
- Salford Reading – Decoding Skills
- Sandwell Maths – Number Knowledge
- WELLCOMM Primary Toolkit - Speech and Language
- Visual Stress Assessment
Training has taken place within the past 3 years.
Our SENCo holds the National SENCo qualification and attends regular training via the Willow Tree Essential SENCo Network, annual conferences and Norfolk SEND Forums
To Support Cognition and Learning |
To Support Communication and Interaction |
To Support Social and Emotional and Mental Health |
To Support Physical and Sensory |
ELS phonics Cognition and Learning approaches Precision teaching |
Speech and Language trained LSA WellComm Assessments |
Norfolk Steps – Step Up and Step On EHAP training Boxall Training Drawing and Talking Lego therapy Working on worries Emotional literacy passports |
First Aid |
Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)
- For a very small number of children with significant and complex needs, a request will be made.
- Before a request can be made the child has to have been supported through at least two ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ cycles.
- The local authority to conduct an assessment of education, health and care needs.
- This may result in an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan for the child.
- Where a child has an EHCP, there will be an annual review held in addition to the termly IEP review meetings, taking into account the views of the child, their parent or carer, and all other professionals involved with the child.
- Further information about Norfolk EHCPs can be found here
How we support children with medical needs
- Children with medical needs may be provided with an Individual Health and Care Plan.
- This is written by medical professionals, parents/carers and if appropriate, the pupil themselves.
- Staff who volunteer to administer and supervise medications will complete formal first aid training. If needed, staff will undertake training in the use of specific medical procedures e.g. use of EpiPens, epilepsy.
- For more information on support for medical needs visit:
For further details on administering medicine at school then please contact the office.
How do we keep children safe?
The safeguarding of our children is our utmost priority at Manor Field Infant and Nursery School
Data shows that children with SEND are more vulnerable.
If you have concerns about a child you can contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leaders (DSLs):
- Mrs Heather Haines (Executive Head Teacher)
- Mrs Laura Turk (Deputy Head Teacher)
- Mrs Jenny Kirk (Senior Management)
- Mrs Rebecca Anderson (Senior Management)
- Miss Bryony Best (SENDCo)
- Angela Smith is our Safeguarding governor.
Our safeguarding policy can be found here.
Alternatively, you could contact the Norfolk Children’s Advice and Duty Service (the CADS team) on 0344 800 8020 or the NSPCC on 0800 800 5000.
Roles and responsibilities
The Class Teacher |
Learning Support Assistants |
The SENDCo |
Checking on the progress of your child. Identifying and planning additional help to meet the needs of your child. Using ongoing assessments to write and review Individual Education Plans (IEP) with parents/carers and children each term. Planning and delivering teaching and learning following local authority guidance of Provision Expected at SEN Support. Working with parents/carers, pastoral staff, SENDCo and outside agencies to support your child’s individual needs. Discussing individual progress in termly Pupil Progress Meetings. Following all school policies |
Supporting children to access the curriculum. Supporting children with their processing and understanding. Empowering children to develop their own learning strategies Supporting children to use and then develop independence with resources such as ATT laptops, coloured overlays etc. Observing and recording achievements and/or concerns. Attending reviews and meetings as appropriate. Delivering small group sessions and recording progress. |
Ensuring that all relevant staff are aware of your child’s individual needs and/or conditions Advising staff on the Assess Plan Do and Review model and Norfolk PEASS documents Coordinating the support for children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) Working with professionals to help support children’s learning Working with other schools to support transition to/from a new school Providing support and training for school staff to help children with SEND achieve the best outcomes. Developing and reviewing the school’s SEND Information Report. Working with the headteacher to keep School Governors and Trustees updated on SEND. Updating the school’s SEND records Managing SEN budget with the head teacher and buying resources to meet individual needs. |
The Headteacher |
The SEND Governor |
The day to day management of all aspects of the school, this includes the support for children with SEND. Overseeing the work of the school SENDCo and class teachers to ensure that your child’s needs are met. Making sure that the Governs and Trustees are kept up to date about issues relating to SEND with support and guidance from SENDCo. Appointing a designated teacher for looked after and previously looked after children who will then work with the SENDCo and staff to promote educational achievement of LAC children with SEND. |
Making sure that the necessary support is given for any child who attends the school, who has SEND. Meeting regularly with the SENDCo to evaluate the effectiveness of the school’s work with SEND children and their families. Monitoring and reporting changes in SEND Raise awareness of SEND at governors meetings. Reviewing the School SEND Policy and School Information Report. |
Role of parent/carer
We work with parents and carers to get the best outcomes for children.
Here are some of the ways we work with parents and carers:
Parent/carer evenings with class teachers twice a year.
Early Help Assessment and Plan (EHAP) to support families
Regular school newsletters and updates.
Teachers contactable via Class Dojo
Meetings arranged for you with external agency professionals when required.
Informal meetings as necessary.
Review meetings to discuss and review SEND provision.
Annual review meetings for children with EHCPs.
Written report at the end of the academic year
Role of children
As a pupil with SEND needs at Manor Field Infant and Nursery School , you will be supported to:
Contribute to your One Page Wonder so we can really get to know you, what you like and how you learn best.
Have your say about the help you are given in annual questionnaires.
Take part in small group activities to support your learning.
Use resources in the classroom to support your learning.
Celebrate your achievements and progress
Talk to adults in the school about any worries.
Take part in the school council.
Ask for help if you need it.
SEND Funding
- Manor Field Infant and Nursery School receives funding directly from the Local Authority to support the needs of learners with SEND.
- Schools can request further funding directly from the Learning and SEND team by submitting an INDES (Identification of Needs Descriptors in Educational Settings) and an IPSEF (Inclusion and Provision self-evaluation framework.)
- The Head Teacher and SENDCo discuss all the information they have about SEND in the school. It is then decided upon what resources, training and support is needed.
In the year 2023-24, we are due to receive £42,621 in notional funding. This is subject to change.
Details of our SEN finances can be accessed via the Norfolk Budget Share Tracker
Opportunities for enrichment
We do our best to make sure that children with SEND are able to fully engage in all school activities. All staff observe the Equality Act 2010. This legislation means schools cannot discriminate, harass or victimise a child or adult linked to a protected characteristic defined in the Equality Act and to make ‘reasonable adjustments’. The Equality Act 2010 definition of disability is:
“A person has a disability for the purposes of this Act if (s)he has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.”
- This definition of disability includes children with long term health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, and cancer.
- Children with disabilities do not necessarily have SEND, but there is a significant overlap between disabled children and young people and those with SEND.
- Children and young people may therefore be covered by both SEND and disability legislation (Section 1 (1) Disability Discrimination Act 1995). For further information see our Equality Policy
At Manor Field Infant and Nursery School we believe all learners are entitled to the same access to extra-curricular activities and are committed to making reasonable adjustments to ensure participation for all.
For further information about our school accessibility, please click here
Preparing for next steps
- Transition is a part of life for all learners
- This could be moving to a new class or moving to a new school.
- It is an important time for a child with SEND.
- We work closely with parents/carers, children and staff to ensure these transitions run as smoothly as possible.
If your child is moving to another school we will contact the new school SENDCo and tell them how we support your child. We will make sure that all records about your child are passed on as soon as possible.
When moving classes within school, all SEND information will be passed on to the new class teacher in advance and teachers will discuss how to support your child best. We will arrange more visits (enhanced transition) for children with SEND where appropriate.
Where possible your child will visit their new school on several occasions and in some cases staff from the new school will visit your child in this school.
Manor Field Infant and Nursery School has a very close relationship with St Mary’s Church of England Junior Academy and work hard to support children feel confident about moving schools.
Support Services for parents and carers
- Norfolk Family Information Service
- Local Offer for Children & Young People
- Norfolk SENDIASS
- Just One Norfolk
- Dispute Resolution Service
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Guide for Parents and Carers
- Council for Disabled Children
- Family Voice – for parents/carers of children with SEN
- Sibs – for brothers and sisters of disabled children and adults
- Carers Matter – for carers in Norfolk
- Young Carers
- Norfolk Early Help
Useful Links
- Asperger East Anglia, Charing Cross Centre 17-19 St John Maddermarket, Norwich NR2 1DN ( 01603 598940/620500
- Autism Education Trust 8
- Benjamin Foundation :
- British Dyslexia Association 8
- Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) :
- Down’s Syndrome Association 8
- Dyslexia-SpLD Trust 8
- Dyspraxia Foundation 8 Contact Us - Dyspraxia Foundation
- East Coast Community Healthcare (ECCH) :
- Ormiston Families :
- Virtual School for Sensory Support (VSSS) : Virtual School Sensory Support Service | Norfolk Services for Schools
Norfolk Local Offer
This Manor Field Infant and Nursery School SEN Information Report for 2023-24 forms part of the Norfolk Local Offer for learners with Special Educational Needs (SEND).
The Norfolk Local Offer Web site contains full information of the services available to children, young people and their families.
Have your say
This SEND report shares our offer to learners with SEND.
We would love to hear your views on it to help us improve.
Please email Miss Bryony Best (SENDCo) to share your thoughts.
What can I do if I am not happy with the SEND provision for my child?
- Talk through your concerns and the support in place with the class teacher.
- If you are still concerned then please arrange a meeting with our SENDCo - Miss Bryony Best by phoning the school office on 01508 530356
If you wish to make a complaint about our SEND provision, please see our Complaints Policy